How can I rig hands in Unity? Pre-Unity Modules 4.8.0

If using Ultraleap's Unity Modules 4.8.0 and later releases please see the documentation here for guidance on rigging hands using our auto-rigging scripts. For pre-4.8.0 Modules or for information on rigging hands manually please see below:


Please follow the steps below to manually rig hands and get your Unity hand assets up and running.

This process takes approximately 1 hour to complete, including roughly 20-30 minutes per hand to copy the components to the new hand.

  1. Import an existing Leap Motion hand (such as lopolyhand) into Maya
  2. Bind your new mesh to the armature
  3. Export this as an fbx file
  4. Import it to Unity
  5. Open a new scene in Unity
  6. Add the original Leap Motion hand and the new exported hand
  7. Copy every component from the original leap hand to the new leap hand (see images below for reference)
    Important note: If you add the components from the drop-down menu, instead of copying, then the hand may not work correctly.
  8. Update the references for each component
  9. Update the entire joint list
  10. Assign the new hand to the leap model manager and test!

If anyone wishes to write a script that automates part of this process we would encourage you to do so and contribute your script to our Unity Modules on GitHub here

We also made a short video which was posted on our forums that gives a quick overview of this process and what you need to do.

You can download the video from here or watch it on YouTube here

Parent components:


Finger Components:


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