Downloading/Installing Software on Windows FAQs

If you experience issues when downloading or installing software on Windows please check the list of systems below to find the resolution for these issues: 

Symptom: Error message “Can’t open file for writing.” or “The disk is full trying to write to…”

Check free disk space. The Leap Motion software can use up to 400MB even with no apps installed. If free disk space is less than 400MB, try freeing up some disk space: Clear the folder “C:\Windows\Temp” or empty your Recycle Bin.

Symptom: The download fails when using Internet Explorer 7, 8 or 9

Use another major browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari), or upgrade to IE 10+.

Symptom: The setup file is not recognized by Windows

Check the file to see if the file has an .exe extension, and rename it to add the .exe if it’s not there.

Symptom: Disk image can’t mount, with error “corrupt file”

The setup file that you have downloaded may have not completed successfully or was corrupted. Please try redownloading the latest installer from

Symptom: The download for the Leap Motion software stops shortly after download

If you have any anti-virus software running, try temporarily disabling it before downloading Leap Motion software. Some anti-virus software (such as Avast!) may think it’s a virus/malware and prevent it from being downloaded.

Symptom: MSCVP100.dll or MSVCP120.dll is missing or corrupt

To fix this issue, please try the following:

  1. Visit the download page for Microsoft's C++ Redistributable from their support page here.
  2. Click the red Download button.
  3. Select both the vcredist_x64.exe and the vcredist_x86.exe for download and click Next.
  4. After both downloads have completed run both installers and restart the computer.
  5. Try running the Leap Motion Control Panel again to check if you are able to run it successfully. 

If you continue to receive the error message, please try the following steps to repair the Visual C++ Redistributable installation: 

  1. Launch Programs and Features (Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features)
  2. Locate the two Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable entries.
  3. Select the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) entry and then click the Change button at the top.
  4. Select the Repair button from the Redistributable Installer
  5. Let the Repair complete and if prompted restart the system. 

After restart (if required), repeat the above process for the x64 Redistributable. 

  • Programs and Features
  • Locate 2013 x64 Redist
  • Select the Change button at the top
  • Run a repair and restart if needed

Symptom: Cannot launch the Leap Motion Control Panel (error 0xc000007b)

To fix this issue, please try the following: 

  1. Visit the download page for Microsoft's C++ Redistributable from their support page here.
  2. Click the red Download button.
  3. Select both the vcredist_x64.exe and the vcredist_x86.exe for download and click Next.
  4. After both downloads have completed run both installers and restart the computer.
  5. Try running the Leap Motion Control Panel again to check if you are able to run it successfully.

If you continue to receive the error message, please try the following steps to repair the Visual C++ Redistributable installation: 

  1. Launch Programs and Features (Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features)
  2. Locate the two Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable entries.
  3. Select the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) entry and then click the Change button at the top.
  4. Select the Repair button from the Redistributable Installer
  5. Let the Repair complete and if prompted restart the system.

After restart (if required), repeat the above process for the x64 Redistributable. 

  • Programs and Features
  • Locate 2013 x64 Redist
  • Select the Change button at the top
  • Run a repair and restart if needed 

If the above troubleshooting steps did not resolve your issue, please follow the troubleshooting steps below. 

  1. Download the 32 bit (x86) version of Dependency Walker from their website here.
  2. Run Dependency Walker and open LeapControlPanel.exe located in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Leap Motion\Core Services
  3. This will highlight the file preventing the Leap Motion Control Panel from running in red
  4. Find a 32 bit version of the affected .DLL file and replace it in the appropriate directory.
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