How to Manually Restart Leap Core Services

If the Leap Motion software does not appear to be producing data, stop the Leap Motion service or daemon and restart it. Unplug the Leap Motion device and plug it back in.

To restart the service on Windows, open up the list of Windows services by pressing Windows+R on your keyboard, typing in "Services.msc" in the text field, and pressing enter. From there, scroll down the list and look for "leap service". Once you find it, right click on it and start or restart it.

You can also restart the service by running the following commands in the command prompt in Administrator mode (instructions on how to do so can be found HERE):

net stop LeapService

net start LeapService

On Mac, run the following commands:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist

sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist

On Linux, leapd is still a user process.

To stop, press Ctrl+C if you are running interactively. If running in the background, use ps -A to find its process ID before terminating with the kill command.

To restart, just run leapd again.

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