How to attach the VR Mount

Mounting the Leap Motion Controller on your DK2:

  1. Download the software from here.
  2. Make sure that the surface on the Oculus VR headset is fully cleaned. We recommend using rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth.
  3. Align the angled sides of the adhesive mount with the angled details on the DK2. Make sure the orientation of the mount is as shown.
  4. Firmly press the adhesive mount into place ensuring full contact over the entire surface. For best results. allow at least 1 hour for the mount to adhere to the surface.

Mounting the Leap Motion Controller on your DK1:

  1. Download the software from here.
  2. Print out the DK1 Template and cut on the dotted line.
  3. Align the bottom edge of the DK1 template to the bottom edge of your DK1 VR headset.
  4. Align the bottom edge of the adhesive mount to the top edge of the DK1 template. Align the template’s green center line with the small arrow on the adhesive mount. Firmly press the adhesive mount into place ensuring full contact over the entire surface. For best results, allow at least 1 hour for the mount to adhere to the surface.
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