This issue is usually caused by waking your computer from sleep.
Please try the following steps to resolve this issue:
Open “Activity Monitor” from Spotlight or applications/utilities/
Select “All Processes” from the pull-down from the top right corner.
- Find the “leapd” process from the list, and click on the Quit button. This will restart the Leap Daemon and it should then continue to work.
leapd can also be stopped/restarted from the Terminal with the following commands:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist (to stop leapd)
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.leapmotion.leapd.plist (to restart leapd)
Note: When running these commands you will be prompted for your administrator password.