VR Developer Mount FAQs

What’s included with the VR Developer Mount?

  • 2-piece Leap Motion Controller Mount for Oculus Rift (compatible with DK1 and DK2)
  • 35” USB cable extender
  • Getting started guide

What are the minimum requirements?
Make sure you are running the Leap Motion software or the Orion software

How do I set up the VR Developer Mount?
Check out our developer portal for step-by-step instructions on attaching your VR Developer Mount and setting up a Leap Motion VR Application.

What can I do with the VR Developer Mount?
After setting up the VR Developer Mount, get started with our VR resources for sample projects and to access the new API features.

Will the VR Developer Mount interfere with the Oculus Rift DK2’s positional tracking camera?
Mounting the device doesn’t result in any issues with positional tracking to the best of our knowledge, since the DK2 actually has many more LEDs than necessary (which allows for experimental uses like this). We’ve used it successfully without encountering any problems. The mount itself doesn’t actually block any LEDs; occlusion only occurs when the Leap Motion Controller is in place.

Where can I buy the VR Developer Mount?
The VR Mount can only be purchased through our online store. For countries we don’t ship to, we are currently exploring solutions. Updates will be provided here.

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