Hyperion Product Information

What is Ultraleap Hyperion?

Ultraleap Hyperion is a highly flexible platform that gives users unprecedented control over their hand tracking interactions, allowing you to tune different parameters and switch between models to suit their application.

But that’s not all - Ultraleap Hyperion also gives you direct access to the Leap Motion Controller 2 camera for use with other computer vision tasks.

It also expands Ultraleap’s tracking offering to object tracking for the first time ever.

For more information about Hyperion please see this page of our website. downloads section of the Ultraleap website. Simply select your camera and then your operating system.

What are the differences between Ultraleap Hyperion and Gemini V5?

Gemini (V5) is a one-size-fits-all platform. Hyperion delivers a highly flexible platform that gives you unprecedented control over their hand tracking interactions, allowing you to tune different parameters and switch between models to suit your application.


With Hyperion you can now access the following new features:

      • Expanded Tracking Capabilities: Direct access to the Leap Motion Controller 2 camera frames unlocks expanded computer vision use cases such as depth sensing or 3D scanning.

      • Object Tracking: Thanks to the capability for tracking printed AR markers, it's possible to attach these to real world objects and track them visually in MR, or create digital twins for VR experiences.

      • Real World Object Interaction: Ultraleap Hyperion offers superior tracking while holding an object in your hand, with up to a 22% increase in robustness compared to previous releases.

      • Easy to Use: We provide an API that makes it easy for developers to switch hand tracking models and modes, according to the application context.

      • Meta Quest Support: Ultraleap Hyperion works on Meta Quest devices, without needing to tether the Leap Motion Controller 2 to a PC - providing app developers with an expanded audience.

      • Discreet Gestures: We can track acute finger movements, also known as microgestures, with high degrees of accuracy, enabling gestures that require minimal effort.

Why would I want to use Ultraleap Hyperion?

Hyperion gives users access to the latest and greatest tracking models and modes from Ultraleap.

For more information on Hyperion's features and benefits please see this webpage.

Does Ultraleap Hyperion work with Unity and Unreal?

Yes it does!

To download the Unity and Unreal plugins go to our website here.

Documentation can be found here.

I have an SIR170 or an Ultraleap 3Di, will Ultraleap Hyperion work?

Gemini V5 is still available for download. It can be accessed via the downloads section of the Ultraleap website. Simply select your camera and then your operating system.

Will Ultraleap Hyperion features work if I have Gemini installed?

It will not be possible to have both products installed on the same machine.

When you install either product, it will override the version you had previously installed.

I would like to switch between Gemini and Ultraleap Hyperion on the same PC, is this possible?

No. When you install either product, it will override the version you had previously installed.

Does Ultraleap Hyperion work with the original Leap Motion Controller?

Ultraleap Hyperion is not compatible with the Leap Motion Controller.

In order to use Ultraleap Hyperion you will need a Leap Motion Controller 2.

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