Hyperion Troubleshooting Guide

This guide is designed to help customers who are using Ultraleap Hyperion hand tracking software.

For customers using Gemini V5, Orion V4 or V2 software please use the links below to navigate to the correct troubleshooting guide for your software:

Troubleshooting Guide Windows Gemini V5

Troubleshooting Guide Windows Orion V4

Troubleshooting Guide Windows / Mac V2

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Ensure the Leap Motion Controller 2 is plugged directly into your machine.

When the Ultraleap Control Panel application is running, it displays an icon in the notification area of the Windows Taskbar. You can use the menu attached to the icon to open the control panel and visualizer. When an Ultraleap Tracking Device is plugged in and working properly, the icon turns green. Other colors indicate errors and abnormal operating conditions:

2: Find whether your computer detects your Leap Motion Controller 2.

Windows 10:

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of the taskbar next to the Windows button

  • Type in “Device Manager” in the search bar

  • Check if the Leap Motion Controller 2 is detected under “Universal Serial Bus controllers”, “Imaging Devices” or “Cameras”

Windows 11:

  • Click on the magnifying glass icon on the bottom left of the taskbar next to the Windows button

  • Type in “Device Manager” in the search bar

  • Check if the Leap Motion Controller is detected under “Universal Serial Bus controllers”, “Imaging Devices” or “Cameras”

3. Uninstall any previous versions of Leap Motion or Ultraleap hand tracking software.

Ultraleap Hyperion and hand tracking software versions earlier than Gemini V5 can be installed simultaneously and will not overwrite each other as they are installed to different locations. Ultraleap Hyperion and previous hand tracking software versions should not be run simultaneously. Doing so causes numerous issue such as contention to claim the tracking hardware. Ultraleap Hyperion and Gemini V5 cannot be installed at the same time as installing one will overwrite the other.

4. How to view your Tracking Software software log

  1. Right-click your tray icon → Open Control Panel → General → Show Software Log...

5. Check the software compatibility of the application being used

Using an application with an incompatible version of our hand tracking software will cause hand tracking to not function correctly. Please check the application requirements to ensure that a compatible software version is installed and running.


Troubleshooting the status of your Leap Motion Controller 2

For various reasons your Ultraleap tracking device can fail to work properly. This table will help you to determine the cause. Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded and installed the most up-to-date software for your Leap Motion Controller 2.

  Tracking Status Tray icon Information Resolution
Camera status Stereo IR170 / Leap Motion Controller connected tray_icon_working.png
  • Indicates that the Leap Motion Controller 2 has connected successfully

  • It does not mean that the tracking software is able to successfully retrieve camera frames

Camera status Disconnected tray_icon_not_working.png
  • Indicates that tracking will not work because the software cannot detect any camera connected
  • Check cables and try alternatives

  • Change USB port

  • Check Device Manager

  • Check power LEDs on devices

  • Connect to a different PC

  • Reinstall Windows

Tracking software status Idle tray_icon_working.png
  • Indicates that the tracking service is running and is idle

  • This means that tracking (or more specifically the tracking system loop) is not running because a client application is not connected

    • Tracking loop consists of: Retrieve camera frames → input to model → output tracking data

Tracking software status Tracking tray_icon_working.png
  • Indicates that the tracking is running successfully. A user should see hands being tracked in their application
Tracking software status Paused tray_icon_pause.png
  • Indicates if tracking is paused. Even if there are client applications that have requested for tracking data, but the data is not being sent because user has specifically chosen to pause tracking
  • User can right-click tray icon to Resume Tracking
Tracking software status Stopped tray_icon_not_working.png
  • Indicate that the service has stopped or isn’t running
  • Open up the list of services going to the Task Manager > Services

  • Search for Ultraleap Tracking Service in the list of services and right click on it

  • Start (or restart) the service


We do not recommend plugging in the device via a USB Hub, it may not receive enough power and the USB bandwidth associated with the Hub may not be sufficient for the device to work effectively. To optimal performance we recommend connecting the tracking device directly to your computer via a USB3.0+ connection.

Tracking Visualiser.

For a direct view of the cameras of your Ultraleap Tracking Device open the Ultraleap Control Panel by right clicking on the Ultraleap icon in the system tray and then clicking on Open Control Panel. Alternatively this can also be opened from the Windows Start Menu and searching for Ultraleap Control Panel, then clicking on it

In the visualiser you are able to see what our hand tracking software sees!

Check that there is a clear image free from distortions, artefacts or smudges and that the hands are entering the image from the bottom of the frame as shown in the image below:

For a more informative view and to check both cameras please change the Display Method to Side By Side and enable Show Distortion.

This will allow you to see the feeds and the full field of view from both cameras as shown below:


Is your computer connected to the internet?

Hyperion requires an internet connection for the first time a new Leap2 camera is plugged into a machine in order to activate a license for the device. Once that activation has taken place, the machine can be taken offline and hand tracking will continue to work.

If you need to run on a machine that cannot be connected to the internet, you can activate the Leap2 device on a machine that does have a connection (such as your own laptop) then copy-paste the license files over to the offline machine. Then plug the Leap2 device into the offline machine.

The files needed would be these 3 inside C:\ProgramData\Ultraleap\HandTracker. The filename of the .lic file with change depending on your Leap2 device serial number.


Camera Placement

Ensure that there are minimal infrared (IR) sources and reflections in the camera’s field-of-view. These can reduce the quality of hand tracking.

Digital screens and other reflective surfaces can act as mirrors, creating IR glare from the camera module’s own LEDs. To avoid this, place the camera outside the screen’s projection plane.

Operating your Ultraleap camera in bright sunlight may also impact performance. To improve performance, consider changing your camera placement.

We recommend using the Ultraleap Control Panel to check that hand tracking is operating as expected.

IR reflection.png

IR sources and reflections can be seen in the Ultraleap Control Panel.

TouchFree Camera Projection Plane

Camera should be placed outside of the screen’s projection plane. Try to maintain this even when screen is tilted.

TouchFree Object in Camera FoV

Make sure there are no obstructions within the field of view of the camera. The background should be as simple as possible.

Use the Ultraleap Control Panel to check for obstructions. In this example, hands are not tracked even though they are in the centre of the camera module’s field of view.

FAQs and further help

Many frequently asked questions about Ultraleap Hyperion can be found right here on our Support Help Center. If you have a question that you cannot find the answer to please feel free to join our Ultraleap Discord Server or contact our Customer Support Team via the ticket form or email to support@ultraleap.com.

When asking a question on Discord or contacting our Customer Support Team please include full details of your use case, hardware, software and the issue that you are experiencing along with your software logs. This will help you to get the help that you need, faster.


Something on your mind? We love to learn more about our developers and what they want. Share your honest feedback here and help us make hand tracking work better for you.

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If you are interested in becoming part of our developer community and seeing how others are using our hand tracking and mid-air haptics click here to join our Ultraleap Discord Server.

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